Monday, March 30, 2020

Week of March 30th to April 3rd (IMPORANT INFO FOR HOMEROOM STUDENTS)

Hello everyone! Welcome back from Spring Break. Hope you are staying safe and healthy.

I am hard at work preparing online resources for you. Please refer to D2L this week for information about what you will be working on for the next week. I will update D2L weekly with homework, videos, assignments and or google meet times to ask questions. Stay tuned and make sure you know how to access your D2L.

PS : Please check your e-mails for important information to be completed and returned to me via e-mail. Thank you!

Have a great week.

One day at a time...
So this is our plan: since you have 2hours a day to work on school, let's make it as easy as possible, for your parents! You still need to be working hard, perhaps the most self-directed you have ever been. Please check PowerSchool as I have been updating the poetry writing you have been handing in to me. If you do not see a mark and feedback, that means you need to share it with Mr.Lopez and me & this week please.
I've got our D2L shell set up and by Friday April 3rd, I'll be able to share a link with you on how we will digitally meet on GoogleMeet. It is super simple but you know me and technology, something is bound to go wrong! Patience, young grasshopper.

Je suis encore en apprentissage... Comment faire du tutorat en vidéo chat!!! Google Meet, etc. La technologie va me rendre fou...
Avant toutes les histoires de virus... Vous aviez fait le labo des pages 276-277. Il est grand temps de me remettre (Google docs) votre rapport fait en équipe (virtuellement bien sur!). N'oubliez pas de bien répondre à toutes les questions d'analyse et de conclusion... 
Prenez aussi le temps d'aller explorer votre site D2L de science. Il y a plein d'info qui pourraient vous donner un coup de main!

Dear 9.4 students,

Wow, this is quite a change! I would love to hear from you. I want to know how you are doing. Whether it’s to give me a quick update or to have a conversation, I want you to know, I am here to support you. We can communicate by email.  This is for all students; this is a safe space where you can talk and express yourself. I will do my best to support you in any way I can.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

March 20th-Important information


Hello my dear students! Go outside every day and read. That's what you need to do. You will be missed so please know you can email me any time. Keep checking the blog. Here are some websites to get you started:
Please share your 3 poems with and in order for them to be marked. It would be awesome if you could also share a video of you speaking one of your poems to me! I will be looking forward to your dramatic readings!
Book Talk projects should be shared with me digitally, if you have not already done so. Even if this is a video of you talking about your book, or a picture of what you have created, that would be great. Read on!

Hello!  I hope you are all staying safe and healthy, and finding ways to keep yourselves busy.  You are missed and we are here to support your learning from afar in any way we can.  Please feel free to email me!  While we wait for more details and a more concrete plan to be established, I will give you a few things that you can focus on in the meantime.

1.  Please edit your essay draft and type out a good copy!  Try to have this done by Friday, April 3 so that I can report on your achievement.  Share it via google drive to: For those of you who were at school last Friday, please follow the steps on the revisions sheet I gave you.  For those of you who need a copy, here it is:  Les révisions

2.  Find ways to listen to, and read, in French!  I know you submitted your silent reading books so here are some online resources that offer videos, apps, games, news articles and more!

3.  Respond to what you heard or read.  Either in writing, or have a conversation with a parent/sibling/friend about what you learned (even if it's in English!  French is better obviously, but we will take what we can get right now!) Here are some questions to consider:  Personal response questions

Math :

I hope everyone is doing well. Even if you can't come to school I would encourage to try and take some time every week to do a bit of Math and try to practice some of the skills you have learned this year. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me. A reminder that I have lessons for the entire Grade 9 year up on D2L under content and that you can look at the lessons and do the corresponding work in the textbook.

Don't forget that you can also use the website Math Drills to access worksheets to practice.

Please note that I am not at school this week and that if you come to clear your locker you can go see Ms. Strickland across the hall to give her anything that needs to be handed back.

Grade 9 Textbook in French  (big document to download as a PDF


The link will give you access to the textbook. After the break, you will be able to use some worksheets to continue progressing to be ready for HS. I will be able to inform you then how you can hand-in those assignments for marks. D2L is up and running so you can access to limited information at this point under Announcements. More to come!  Enjoy your break!

You can always contact me via

Contact info
Google account for sharing assignments

Volume de science module 4
Volume de science module 5

You now have also access to a Science D2L shell. There is a lot of info in the Content section. I will clean it up eventually but for now, you have plenty to access to. Explore the different sections! If you decide to work on study sheet, use Google docs and share your work with me. Please, do not spend time  cutting /pasting pictures from the web! I will live without images... I will add comments to it and add marks in PowerSchool. Stay safe and away... Cheers

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

March 13

Math :
Grade 9 students have been working on solving inequalities this week. We played Kahoot and practice inequality word problems. Next week, I will be away to Bamfield with grade 9 students. Students will have their chapter 9 test on Tuesday and will start a new chapter on Data Analysis.

I have updated Power School with Homework Checks for the month of February. I will also be available for Parent Teacher interviews on Friday only (drop in).

We are working on the basics of electricity principals. (resistance, R= VxI, parallel and series circuits)
Study sheet for theme 2 due Tuesday.
BMSC trip: Please do your best to read and complete the notes for theme 3. You will miss a lab on pages 287-288. You can do it once you return.
Theme 3 notes
As per usual, Power School is consistently updated with new marks.

Students will be watching a movie in relation to immigration policies and refugee program. They will be asked to create a written production on their understanding of the movie.

Essay rough draft due Monday, March 16.  Next week we will have time to work on the revisions checklist that I passed out to you on Friday.  We will have time to use these suggestions to improve the rough draft of our essay and type up the good draft in class.  Essay good draft due on Thursday, March 19!

Students need to share their 3 poems with in order for them to be marked. FREE VERSE, SOCIAL COMMENTARY & PARODY. It would be awesome if you could also share a video of you speaking one of your poems to me! I will be looking forward to your dramatic readings!
Book Talk projects should be shared with me digitally, if you have not already done so. Even if this is a video of you talking about your book, or a picture of what you have created, that would be great. Read on!

Monday, March 2, 2020

March 6

This week we are working on a new chapter (Chapter 9, inequalities). On Thursday we will have a special activity day for the Francophone week. I will be handing back the Midterm exams on Wednesday.  Next week we will be continuing Chapter 9.

No Language Power for the whole month of March! Here is a copy of the calendar for all Book Talk presentations, your class is orange.
Book Talk Calendar- orange
You also have some poems to write this week: A free verse and a social commentary themed poem. Remember, by the end of this month you will be sharing one of your original poems with the class. March 16-19 will be our POETRY SLAM where we will randomly draw your name. This means you need to memorize your poem, with a written copy to hand in. You were given a rubric last week so don't lose it. You can also find it on last week's blog.

This week we studied and reviewed different environmental issues. Next week we will introduce our new unit: Electricity.
Monday March 9th: Unit exam!!!

9- ES
 Students will have a chapter test on chapter 5. This test will consist of multiple choice and true or false questions. They will be given the opportunity to review material on Monday.
Students who missed last week test will take it on Monday. See Powerschool for new marks


Last week we started learning about how to plan and organize our ideas for writing an essay.  At the end of the week I passed out a word bank of transition words and we participated in an oral activity to practice putting them to use.  Your essay plan is due on Monday, March 9th!!  Next week we will look at an example of an essay and identify the parts of the plan and the transition words within in.  We will look at a sample responses that were written by previous students on their PAT and cross reference it with the assessment rubric.  We will then begin transitioning our essay plan into an essay!